High Sex Drive During Ovulation: A Biological Desire to Procreate

February 7, 2019

Most articles claim that there is nothing biological that naturally gives women a desire to conceive. - I beg to differ. Our bodies are set up to desire sex around time of ovulation. Those with regulated hormone function anyway!

Our hormones work in harmony throughout our cycles to accommodate each stage. After menses, the level of estrogen rises higher and higher. This is due to the FHS hormone that is stimulating the follicles, preparing the egg to be released! The LH surge is what kind of, kicks the egg out! This surge happens around 12-36 hours before the egg is released.Together, Estrogen and the LH surge are shown to naturally increase the desire to be intimate. Studies have shown for there to be an increase in libido in the days prior to ovulation/around ovulation day.

Peak Coital Rate Coincides with Onset of Luteinizing Hormone Surge - NCBIA 6-day window of increased sexual desire when with an exclusive partner is what studies have found, beginning 3-4 days before the LH surge. Naturally, our bodies desire to procreate! Not only this, but our cervical mucus changes before/during ovulation, as well. The cervical mucus that is present prior to/during ovulation is best to accommodate sperm.In the photo below you can see how the cervical mucus changes throughout the cycle. In the bottom right image, you see peak fertile fluid. This just so happens to arrive around ovulation! This type of fluid is prime environment to transport sperm to the egg!

This cervical mucus change to provide a more wet environment. The change in fluid to this wet mucus correlates with increased pelvic blood flow, as well as increased vaginal sensitivity. All of the above sounds like a recipe for enjoyable intimacy to me! It is also found that women feel more secure, have a higher sense of wellbeing, and lack of loneliness closer to ovulation. This could contribute to a higher libido, no doubt!

Changes in Women's Feelings about their Romantic Relationships Across the Ovulatory Cycle - Hormones and BehaviorEverything works together to help us naturally desire sex around ovulation time! Those with irregular hormone levels such as super high progesterone levels might not see this correlation though.Those who track their menstrual cycle can see when ovulation is approaching and see the correlation. I know for myself personally, I desire sex most prior to/on ovulation day.That is also the time where my brain rationalizes another pregnancy. "Maybe having another baby would be a great idea."Preventing pregnancy with a natural desire to procreate with your loving partner is a challenge in itself! Temping and tracking to prevent pregnancy can go out the window around ovulation time for many. That is a topic for another day though.